Educational Policies For Multigrade Schools In Mexico: Relegated By Graduated Education


  • Lisa Piper L. Durban School of Law, South Africa Author


The objective of this article is to analyze the existence of specific policies for multiserial schools promoted by the contemporary Mexican state. By means of a documentary research, an analysis was carried out of the educational policies in force since 1995 to date, analyzing whether public policies exist for these schools or whether they have been subordinated to the educational policies for graduated schools. Such genealogy required the analysis of documents such as the Lei Geral de Educação, or the Educational Development Program 1995-2000, or the National Education Program 2001-2006, or the Sectoral Education Program 2007-2012, or the Educational Model for the Ensino Obrigatório 2012- 2017 model Nova Escola Mexicana. Since the graduated schools were established as hegemonic, the political-pedagogical gestures have not been concentrated in this form of organization, leaving aside the execution of public policies that improve the educational quality in the multi-serial schools. Multiseriated schools have been promoted as a strategy for educational coverage, an aspect that requires the creation of specific policies or the continuity of strategies guided by some previous six-year period.


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How to Cite

Educational Policies For Multigrade Schools In Mexico: Relegated By Graduated Education. (2021). Multidisciplinary Journal of Management, Economics, and Accounting, 7(1).