Challenges In The Training Of Rural Teachers In Mexico


  • Prof. Nomsa Dlamini , School of Medicine, Peking University, China Author


 We present a study that aims to identify the main challenges in the training of basic education teachers for rural areas of Mexico. It is a documentary research, based on the selection and review of 34 investigations, evaluations and institutional proposals that addressed this issue and that were updated in the last ten years. With the support of the Zotero bibliographic reference manager and the construction of a database, the various documents collected were analyzed. As main results we identify that a reductionist concept of rural education has been deprived, assuming that this is restricted to educational services located in towns with less than 2500 inhabitants, and those who work in them are classified as rural teachers; the deficient image of schools, and of rural teaching, is the one that is mostly installed in the teaching staff. In turn, it suffers from a system of initial and continuous training of teachers where rural education is present. Given this scenario, it is urgent to make visible and clarify the concept of rural education in the country and implement specific models of teacher training.


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How to Cite

Challenges In The Training Of Rural Teachers In Mexico. (2021). Multidisciplinary Journal of Management, Economics, and Accounting, 7(1).