Procedural Framework To Facilitate Interoperability In The Context Of The Virtual Health Library Of Cuba: The Ontomed Model


  • Baláž, Milan, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Author


The lack of a linked data model in the context of the Virtual Health Library of Cuba (VHL) causes deficiencies in the semantic interoperability of the contents and the retrieval of information. Furthermore, and as an added problem, the documentary entities that comprise it present different levels of bibliographic description and thematic scope. This article proposes the design of a procedural framework to facilitate semantic interoperability between linked VHL data sets, and standardize their main classes and properties. This procedure, which is implemented in the ontological model called Ontomed, constitutes a theoretical-conceptual approach that will allow modeling the main entities, attributes and relationships in the context of the VHL. A direct impact is expected in three fundamental dimensions: 1) characterization of the context of application of the procedural framework 2) formalization of the components of the ontological model and 3) selection of an experimental sample in the VHL scenario.


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How to Cite

Procedural Framework To Facilitate Interoperability In The Context Of The Virtual Health Library Of Cuba: The Ontomed Model. (2015). Multidisciplinary Journal of Management, Economics, and Accounting, 1(2).